Lean process procedures are a companywide initiative, with the goal to achieve operational excellence.  It is a kind of systematic approach that facilitates improvement on every level, while putting process efficiency and product quality control at the top of the list, and delivering faster service and cost reduction.  The implementation of Lean philosophy is no longer being used in the old manufacturing sense but is now being implemented in new and exciting ways all across the pharmaceutical industry and in the larger business community as well.  But what are the 5 basic steps to know if your Lean process plan is working?

1. Assess the Current State of the Company

Assessing the current state of your business, as well as its economics, business structure, processing structure, and value stream, are all part of assessing the current state of your business.  This involves mapping out the current state of your business while collecting process data along the way.  While you are gathering data about the different aspects of your company, make sure to take precise notes on all company information and material flow.

2. Determine Your Future State Workflow

Your future state workflow is dependant on your product, as well as your process layout.  For many organizations, developing the most efficient workflow strategy possible is the best way to organize your staff efficiently.  For many organizations having a streamlined workflow makes the whole process easier.  What you need to do first, is to set up a final layout and arrangement of the factory, to determine where the work cells will properly apply and where they will not.  The most important thing is not to make office processes invisible, but make them more visible and intelligently adapted to Lean principles.

3. Determine Future State of the Organizational Structure

Because having a solid corporate infrastructure depends very much on sustaining elements in an organization, it is vital that it serve a clear purpose in assisting your overall processes.  This includes scheduling, training, organizational structure, utility methods, quality methods, even attitudes and ingrained cultures of the organization.  Determine yours accordingly.

4. Identify Your Own Successful Lean Techniques and Methods

Based on what your supreme vision is for your company, choose the appropriate principles and tools of Lean process management that most closely mirror your organization.  You can also feel free to adopt other successful quality improvement techniques that may not be found in the standard Lean list of quality procedures.

5. Develop and Initiate the Plans

When you have a clear broad overview of your organization, as well as the proper procedures and quality improvement plans you’re wishing to administer, you can begin to plan out your course of action.  When implementing your plan on sustaining Lean improvements you need to gain the management’s commitment, as well as identify the key processes in your company.  After that, you will need to train your employees accordingly.

Many companies have tried to find success by copying Lean strategies from other successful companies with little or no success.  This is because every company is different, with different needs and different procedures.  If you’re looking to improve your Lean strategies at your pharmaceutical company, be sure to contact a local pharmaceutical consultancy firm for more information.

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